Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My top ten movies

1. 'The Lord of the Rings' (the whole trilogy) for the whole idea of creating a brand new language and a marvellous world with a large variety of bizzaire creatures.
2. 'Unfaithful' with Richard Gere and Diane Lane. A great movie directed by Adrian Lyne presenting concequences of a love affair.
3. 'Devil's Advocate' with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves. This movie shows that The Devil is real and is present all around the world fighting against us.
4. 'The Chronicles of Narnia' a movie based on C.S. Lewis' book, not only for children but also for adults with a positive message for everyone.
5. 'The Passion' believe it or not but I've been twice in cinema on it! In my opinion the passion can be an introduction to the Good Friday before every Easter.
6. 'Pride and Prejudice' A fantastic movie based on Jane Austen's novel describing beautiful and pure affection. Love without premarital sex exists!!!
7. 'Just Case' A movie with Sean Connery featuring as a retired judge. In spite of his age, he is always impressive.
8. 'Insomnia' again Al Pacino, this time with Robin Williams. I felt as if I really suffered from insomnia!
9. 'Matrix' but probably only the first part of an unforgettable trilogy.
10. 'Back to the future' When I was a treenager I was mad about the trilogy with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. As I grew older, I started finding mistakes and discovered that the plot is out of logic. But still, I'm quite sentimental about this movie.


I try to live according to values presented in the Bible. To tell you the truth I try ,from the bottom of my heart, to be the desciple and follower of Jesus Christ. All my strength is in Him and I know that He saved me from death.
After our terrestial life, everyone of us will be asked some questions in order to enter Heaven. As you can see beneath, love is the only thing Jesus will ask us about.

31When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Mathew 25, 31-36

Monday, May 22, 2006

Teaching practice

Frankly speaking, I didn't find teaching practice very stressfull. First of all, because of my 6-year teaching experience from private lessons but also because I had in general very nice students in all kinds of schools. Two of my observed classes were recorded on a camcorder and surprisingly my students were even more afraid of this equipment than I was.I must admit that the school I would not like to work in the future was junior high. Te girls were quite dilligent but boys...Well beeing a teenager is not so simple, I know but thay behaved rudely towards everyone: girls, teachers school stuff. It was extremely difficult for me to find a common language with them and to conduct my lesson successfuly. Summing up, the most suitable school for me is definitely high school. Students are almost adults who have their opinions, interests and they are eager to study because of MATURA exam!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So who graduated from the college?

Well... Life is cruel. The one studies hard but the other receives flowers.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The first book in English

The first book I read in English was Sherlock Holmes 'Short Stories'. I was about 12 and got totally amazed that I was able to read and understand a book written in a foreign language. That was the first time when I discovered that learning a foreign lg is very useful and brings a lot of joy and satisfaction. I still have this book and copy it for my students to encourage them to reading in English.

A long time ago

What a fabulous haircut, what an extraordinary vest. I was really afraid of that guy in a mask but finally I managed to recognise him. It was my neighbour. Since then I stopped believing in Santaclaus!

Monday, May 08, 2006

The long weekend

On the 30th of April we went to Meg's parents summer house in Górnica. The village is situated in the North about 100 km from Poznań. It is a picturesque, forbidden place where one can find peace and quiet. The weather was not ok. In fact, it was raining all the time so we play cards, watched TV and had long chats. The picture was taken during one of our strolls into a neighbouring forest. We have rain coats and quite warm clothes cause the temperature was only about 10 degrees.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The picture from our Wedding

This is a picture from our wedding which took place on the 25th of June 2005. It was the most important day we have ever had. The picture is one of our favourite although, it was not taken by a professional photographer but by a friend of ours. We seem to look in the most natural way from all of our 500 pictures.

The retreat in Gdynia

At the beginning of March we went to Gdynia. We spent four days on a retreat for the married. It really helped us get closer to each other and reveal the beauty of being together in communion. We had some communication workshops and discovered differences in the way we perceive the world.

Our Easter

We have spent a wonderful time together on Easter. We started our spiritual preparation through attending services of Jesus's Passion. It really helped us get deeper into the mystery of His resurrection. We created some kind of a chapel with pictures and candels memorising Christ's presence in our house. On Sunday morning we had a joyful breakfast and our hearts were full of happiness. There is nothing but spending holidays together!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Szklarska Poręba

We' ve spent a wonderful time skiing in Szklarska Poręba. We were ther for 4 days and the weather was really wonderful. The sky was complately cloudless and the sun was shining all the time. We got a great suntan and came back very satisfied.